PyFlink Series (Part 1)

Back to: Pyflink Intro

Basic Data Stream API Job

Define imports

from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment, RuntimeExecutionMode

Build the DAG

def run():
    # Build Execution environment and set some default configs for testing
    env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()

    # Generate some tuples for testing
    data = []
    for n in range(0, 7):
        data.append(('same_key', n))

    # Build a data stream from tuples
    ds = env.from_collection(data)

    # We want to sum values, but that requires a keyed stream so we key it
    ds = ds.key_by(lambda x: x[0])
    # Next we chain the keyed stream into a summed stream, this is a stateful operation and translates our keyed stream
    # back to a regular stream
    ds = ds.sum(1)
    # Here we're just using the in-built sink for STD::OUT to visualize the results

    FWIW - You'd normally just define your dag chaining the stream(s) together using the fluent interface, 
    I just broke it out above to devsplain it ;) 
        .key_by(lambda x: x[0])

    # This is what actually assembles the DAG and returns it to the JobManager so that it can run on a task slot.

For convenience, I like to wrap the DAG creation in a function, then I can call it locally using standard python:

if __name__ == '__main__':

If you’ve set up your dev environment correctly, you should see the following output when running your job as a python script:

('same_key', 0)
('same_key', 1)
('same_key', 3)
('same_key', 6)
('same_key', 10)
('same_key', 15)
('same_key', 21)

As can be seen, the second element in the tuple is summed as each “event” passes through the DAG.

Up next: Part 2 (Basic Data Stream API Job with Custom Operators)